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Create a Cohesive Data Ecosystem for Pharma with Adobe Experience Platform

Learn how to deliver better customer experiences, while meeting regulatory and industry requirements with Adobe and Omnicom Group

Canceled: Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The future of healthcare companies will be powered by data. The ability to process vast amounts of complex data and extract actionable insights will be more important than ever in driving innovation and finding efficiencies.

From personalization via a 360-degree view of your HCPs and Consumers to earnings optimization and improved MLR, the Adobe Experience Platform, with the addition of privacy and security shield, is the foundation that will prepare you for that reality.

Join this webinar to hear how you can leverage Adobe Experience Platform to create human-centric experiences in real time while adhering to privacy regulations, thanks to Adobe Privacy Shield.

Webinar hosted by: 

Ali Alkhafaji

President and CTO
TA Digital

Christen Nyarady

Senior Vice President, Integration
Omnicom Health Group

Christina Kim

Chief Strategy and Analytics Office
Omnicom Health Group

Thomas Swanson

Head of Industry Strategy & Marketing - Health & Life Sciences